Tuesday, June 17, 2008

The Way Things Are

That's just the way things are...
That's just how we do things around here...
Why? Just because...don't ask why...
This is how we've always done it...

Ever heard any of these statements before?

I've got a friend that I work with here at Teen Mania who's post sparked some of these thoughts...you should check it out -----> http://iwillsearch.blogspot.com/
Thanks, Meghan, for the brain food :)

Seems to me that almost every new movement in the church started out as an ostracized group of folks who were just HUNGRY for more and ready to break the boxes.

Jesus Christ (obviously)
Martin Luther
Wesley and Whitefield
Cane Ridge
Whales Revival
Azuza Street (regardless of opinions)

I pray that I would be one of those...wow, gotta count the cost.

Blessings to all of you youth pastors out there that are ready to break the boxes and shatter the paradigms!



Joy said...

First awesome post! Time for change!!!

And cool coincidence! I was going to say you should check out IHOP, too, if you ever came through (since Jason Upton, from my limited understanding, does a lot with them). Yeah, we're in KCMO! HA! Isn't that so awesome?! We're an inner city ministry and not too far from IHOP.

Joy said...

Well we'd love to go but our church does not have the finances to do that (and we don't either!). We're hoping that next year we might be able to go. Is this the same as the worship leader conference?

Jason Underwood said...

Thanks for checking out my blog! I wasn't sure anyone ever read it...

Anyway, I think I got the Overnighter video from Youtube. You can google "Overnighter video" and find it several different places. The video premiered at the Group/Simply Youth Ministry NYMC back in February, and I can't seem to get enough of it. If you liked that, you might want to check out "Hotel, Hotel". I'll try and post it for you...