Monday, June 9, 2008

Don't Waste Your Life

Haven't read the book yet (Piper) but I get the point.

I've been thinking lately about absolute obedience to the Holy Spirit.

Strangely some people don't think that He speaks anymore...they think that after a certain point in history He chose to quiet down a bit.

I get a different impression as I read the Word and as I live my life with Him.

I'm coming to a place in my life ... and in this place ... I am SO hungry for God.

I know that He is with us all of the time. But I also know that there is a command for each of us to "ABIDE" in Him...and in His love. In that place of abiding, there is 100% confidence and authority in prayer.

I am shooting for that. Because I know when I live's the most rewarding place.

It may cause for a sacrifice here and a "laying down" there ... but the return is so much greater.

I don't want to be religious. I want to know God ... and SHOW God to the world.



Unknown said...

great post, been chew'n on similar stuff recently too. Have been asking the questions about the role of the Spirit in the life of the believer lately mainly about the giftings. not wanting to error on the cessationalist side but also not wanting to jump to the charismaniac (stole that word btw) side either. Was given a really good book called "Empowered Evangelicals" not done with it yet but still being stretched by it.

Daniel Hopkins said...

Amen and I hear ya totally!