Monday, June 2, 2008

It's about time eh?

Hey Friends,

I'm back...I started a post last week...but I don't think it was so hot so X that one. :)

Leading worship for young people...I tell you what, it is quite the experience.

I just recently lost most of my old band members (mostly due to the fact that they have graduated from high school youth group and are ready to go do bigger things :)
SO---here I am at square one again. I have a young lady named Bryn (15) who has been playing backup acoustic faithfully for about a year (even when no one could really hear her) and NOW I have just started pushing her out there to lead a song during the worship service. This is SO COOL to watch.

SO- the principle. FAITHFULNESS. She has been faithful for a year to play even when she didn't get much recongnition. NOW, I see that she has a worship leader in her :)

AND me? I'm doing well. Just read the book of Mark. So beautiful. Jesus is casting out demons, healing the sick, telling it like it is...what else can you expect from GOD on earth? Man, I wanna be like YOU.

Grace and peace friends (AND FIRE!!!!)


megzie said...

Thanks for your comment. good luck with your worship band... God bless. -meg

Anonymous said...

hey! thanks for your comment on my blog. Ive been to Acquire the Fire many many times and i have looked into Honour Academy actually, but since its all the way in Texas and im a small town girl from Canada i dont think i want to jump right out there yet. Thanks again for your comments, good look with your worship and ministries.