Wednesday, July 9, 2008

It's hot in here--must be change (or summer) in the atmosphere

It's kind of a crazy season around the Edge YM. A lot of the kids are doing summer mission trips, extreme summer camps, and family vacations so the youth are all over the place. I got an email from one of the girls in the ministry that I hadn't seen in about 2 months asking for summer camp info.

It's makes it an interesting time for the youth band because we have slimmed down quite a bit. Right now we have a leader, backup singer, and a drummer :) Makes for a fun little gig.

Our entire band has gone through major transition over the last 6 months as our electric guitarists, drummer, and bass player have all graduated high school and are not out of the youth ministry. We have a 12 year old drummer now and a bass player who doesn't really play the bass (but he is learning) and we don't have an electric right now.

So---we are in a season of transition and change. That's where I come in...and cause more change :)

I am actually leaving the youth ministry after being there for 4 years (in Sept). This is a huge step in my life as I will also be leaving Teen Mania Ministries as well after 7 years of service with them. What an incredible ministry. The Lord has really put His hand upon Teen Mania and Ron Luce for the past 20 years and it is an incredible-God motivated ministry that is reaching teens by the thousands every year. I'm so thankful for the opportunity that I had to serve at this ministry.

I would recommend anyone to Teen Mania's programs...check it out below:

So-I'll be headed out in August and on a new adventure. The sky's the limit!

The teens are doing well with it. I think it's a good season to do it because we still have a very strong pastoral leadership in the youth group and we are bringing in a young lady who is filled with God and the band is going to enjoy her. It will be a good shift after 4 years...not easy...but good :)

I'll be back for the SOAR Leadership conference in November. We are expecting to have 1,000's of Pastors and Youth Pastors on Teen Mania's campus in Garden Valley, TX this November. I'm looking forward to coming back to help out.


Thursday, July 3, 2008

TIME with GOD vs. TIME with STUFF


Last night at the EDGE Youth Ministry we talked about Daniel. We talked about how he stood in the midst of great peer pressure and persecution. He was so faithful and devoted to God in prayer and life-style.

Then in our small group we went around and shared what has taken up most of our time this summer.

13-20 year olds spend most of their time on movies and video games during the summer.

Not many of the kids are spending time in their Bibles or in prayer. This is a little concerning. It starts with us though–the youth pastors.

Here’s a great quote:

"But my life is so short, and my meeting with the Lord face to face is so imminent and so real, and my desires to make a 100% return on God's investment of grace in my life are so strong, that I am just not interested in any kind of fellowship that does not help people explode with more love, more compassion, more joy, more holiness, and more zeal for God, and more boldness in witness, more power in ministry, more vision for missions."

SO – Let’s do it. Let’s lead the way :)

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

The Way Things Are

That's just the way things are...
That's just how we do things around here...
Why? Just because...don't ask why...
This is how we've always done it...

Ever heard any of these statements before?

I've got a friend that I work with here at Teen Mania who's post sparked some of these should check it out ----->
Thanks, Meghan, for the brain food :)

Seems to me that almost every new movement in the church started out as an ostracized group of folks who were just HUNGRY for more and ready to break the boxes.

Jesus Christ (obviously)
Martin Luther
Wesley and Whitefield
Cane Ridge
Whales Revival
Azuza Street (regardless of opinions)

I pray that I would be one of, gotta count the cost.

Blessings to all of you youth pastors out there that are ready to break the boxes and shatter the paradigms!


Thursday, June 12, 2008


You guys have got to check this out! This is gonna be a blast...

This is defnitely not your typical youth ministry "conference" -- but it will be on the actual campus at Teen Mania Ministries----it will be a whole experience for an entire Pastoral Staff and Lead Team.

Not to mention ROPES COURSE
and Paintball---this is your chance to get those kiddo's with a paintball :)
Go to to check out the speaker line-up and more.
Chuck Colson
T.D. Jakes
Ed Young, Jr
Erwin McManus
and about 15 others...
Blessings to you guys!

Monday, June 9, 2008

Don't Waste Your Life

Haven't read the book yet (Piper) but I get the point.

I've been thinking lately about absolute obedience to the Holy Spirit.

Strangely some people don't think that He speaks anymore...they think that after a certain point in history He chose to quiet down a bit.

I get a different impression as I read the Word and as I live my life with Him.

I'm coming to a place in my life ... and in this place ... I am SO hungry for God.

I know that He is with us all of the time. But I also know that there is a command for each of us to "ABIDE" in Him...and in His love. In that place of abiding, there is 100% confidence and authority in prayer.

I am shooting for that. Because I know when I live's the most rewarding place.

It may cause for a sacrifice here and a "laying down" there ... but the return is so much greater.

I don't want to be religious. I want to know God ... and SHOW God to the world.


Monday, June 2, 2008

It's about time eh?

Hey Friends,

I'm back...I started a post last week...but I don't think it was so hot so X that one. :)

Leading worship for young people...I tell you what, it is quite the experience.

I just recently lost most of my old band members (mostly due to the fact that they have graduated from high school youth group and are ready to go do bigger things :)
SO---here I am at square one again. I have a young lady named Bryn (15) who has been playing backup acoustic faithfully for about a year (even when no one could really hear her) and NOW I have just started pushing her out there to lead a song during the worship service. This is SO COOL to watch.

SO- the principle. FAITHFULNESS. She has been faithful for a year to play even when she didn't get much recongnition. NOW, I see that she has a worship leader in her :)

AND me? I'm doing well. Just read the book of Mark. So beautiful. Jesus is casting out demons, healing the sick, telling it like it is...what else can you expect from GOD on earth? Man, I wanna be like YOU.

Grace and peace friends (AND FIRE!!!!)

Friday, May 9, 2008

Hello World

Which way is up?

I'm hungry for the higher heights and deeper depths.

I'm new around blogger that let me introduce myself.

My name is Blaise, I am a 25 year old youth worship pastor and I have a hunger for God that keeps me on my toes (or my face).

I love Jesus. I love people (most of them :). I enjoy music. I like writing music and preaching the Word. I studied with Liberty University and finished my credits in the area of biblical studies/religion (now I'm a little more religious :)~

I got wrecked when I was 15 years old and I've never been the same. I was one of those religious kids that tried to fight the calling of God. I wasn't very successful. Why was it that I couldn't have as much fun as the next guy when I was sinning. Well...I can't theologically explain it (or I don't feel like trying to right now), but I know that Jesus has had it out for me for years. And I am so glad :)

I hope that over the next few months we can take the journey of faith, passion and hunger for God together until we encounter Him in a real way.

We need this. The kids in our youth ministries need this. We all need to get "re-wrecked" for Jesus.

If you're here and you're a youth worker (of any kind)...let me know that you stopped by. Let's be friends.
