Which way is up?
I'm hungry for the higher heights and deeper depths.
I'm new around here...to blogger that is...so let me introduce myself.
My name is Blaise, I am a 25 year old youth worship pastor and I have a hunger for God that keeps me on my toes (or my face).
I love Jesus. I love people (most of them :). I enjoy music. I like writing music and preaching the Word. I studied with Liberty University and finished my credits in the area of biblical studies/religion (now I'm a little more religious :)~
I got wrecked when I was 15 years old and I've never been the same. I was one of those religious kids that tried to fight the calling of God. I wasn't very successful. Why was it that I couldn't have as much fun as the next guy when I was sinning. Well...I can't theologically explain it (or I don't feel like trying to right now), but I know that Jesus has had it out for me for years. And I am so glad :)
I hope that over the next few months we can take the journey of faith, passion and hunger for God together until we encounter Him in a real way.
We need this. The kids in our youth ministries need this. We all need to get "re-wrecked" for Jesus.
If you're here and you're a youth worker (of any kind)...let me know that you stopped by. Let's be friends.
Two Years in Scotland: A Mayward Family Update
5 years ago